ISLANDER Project Partner Meeting in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Vitoria-Gasteiz, March 4-5, 2024 — At the beginning of March, the ISLANDER project partners gathered in Vitoria-Gasteiz for their bi-annual consortium meeting. Hosted by project partner Cegasa, the meeting served as a platform to update partners on the progress of the different work packages and to discuss open issues. This was particularly important in view of the upcoming milestones, the completion of the installations on Borkum.


The project partners were welcomed to Vitoria-Gasteiz with a guided tour of the Cathedral and Tower of Santa Maria, providing an insight into the history and architecture of Vitoria, followed by a delicious Spanish dinner.  


The following day began with a guided tour of Cegasa’s production and research facilities, highlighting the development of the battery storage systems crucial to the ISLANDER project. The partners then met for discussions on various work packages and engaged in collaborative sessions. With the completion of the installations on the island of Borkum just around the corner, there was a lot of need for discussion. 


An exploitation workshop allowed partners to explore ways to maximise the project outcomes and ensure the utilisation of the project results beyond the project. Throughout the rest of the day, partners had one-to-one meetings to address specific issues and outline next steps. A lot of exciting activities will happen in the project in the coming months. 


All-in-all, the Vitoria-Gasteiz partner meeting played a crucial role in fostering collaboration and communication among the different consortium members. Many thanks to Cegasa for hosting this great meeting. 

