Call for application of interest for 30 renewable energy islands

Prepare yourself for a unique opportunity as the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat launched a Call for Applications for 30 renewable islands by 2030. The primary objective of this call is to identify and support 30 islands or groups of islands over the next three years, enabling them to achieve complete energy independence through 100% renewable sources by 2030.


Furthermore, the knowledge gained from these exemplary islands will be widely shared with other islands, serving as invaluable guidance for their own paths towards comprehensive decarbonisation.


The secretariat will play a pivotal role in assisting EU islands in developing, preparing, and implementing decarbonisation plans for their energy systems. Building on their experience in providing technical assistance to islands, the secretariat will offer extensive technical and organisational support, ensuring that the islands receive comprehensive guidance throughout their journeys. Special attention will be given to intensive assistance for the 30 pioneering islands, while actively involving numerous follower islands.


Starting from 8 June 2023, the call for applications for 30 renewable islands or groups of islands for 2030 is now open. Interested islands are strongly encouraged to submit their applications before the deadline of 6 September 2023. Regardless of their current progress in the energy transition, every island or group of islands can dream big and embark on a transformative journey towards complete renewable energy by 2030.


Apply using the form via this link.


Find all relevant documents that are needed for the application below, and please note that we also provide a Guide for Applicants.
