
ISLANDER will not only pave the way for the complete decarbonisation of Borkum’s energy system. It will also help to accelerate the decarbonisation of EU islands and the commercialisation of innovative energy solutions leading to the phasing out of fossil fuel-based installations.


In detail, ISLANDER will:

  • Significantly reduce fossil fuel consumption, by developing renewable energy-based systems (including heating and cooling and storage) that allow EU islands to reach full decarbonisation targets in a shorter time frame.
  • Support the large-scale uptake of validated solutions on the same geographical island and/or on other geographical islands with similar challenges.
  • Facilitate the creation of local renewable energy communities that will actively support the energy transition process of EU islands.
  • Enhance stability of the power network for islands that are grid-connected with the mainland.
  • Develop new business models and contribute to create new sustainable jobs that will benefit the local community.
  • Create new scientific knowledge and inputs for regulations supporting the decarbonisation process of EU islands.