Pilot Island Borkum (Germany):
Photovoltaic installations on the aquarium’s roof

Pilot Island Borkum (Germany):
Aerial view of Borkum


Follower Island Orkney (Scotland):
EMEC onshore substation and hydrogen plant

Follower Island Orkney (Scotland):
Aerial view of Stromness

Follower Island Cres (Croatia):
City of Cres

Follower Island Cres (Croatia):
3D view of Orlec photovoltaic power plant

Follower island Lefkada (Greece):
Port of Lefkada

Follower island Skopelos (Greece):
Town of Skopelos

The ISLANDER project

ISLANDER paves the way for the decarbonisation of EU islands’ energy systems by demonstrating smart grid solutions combining renewable energy production with storage technologies in real-life settings. Starting with the Pilot island of Borkum, the project aims at replicating these solutions to 4 Follower Islands: Lefkada and Skopelos in Greece, Orkney in the UK and Cres in Croatia, and to other EU islands. ISLANDER is composed of 11 organisations from 7 European countries committed to the community led energy transition of EU islands.


Key numbers and facts

Demonstration of smart grid solutions in operational environment on Borkum island

Project duration: 5 years from October 2020 – September 2025

7 EU countries represented by 11 organisations: research centres, SMEs, and large enterprises

About € 8,3M total budget, co-funded with € 7M by the European Commission

4 Followers Islands: Cres (Croatia), Lefkada and Skopelos (Greece), Orkney (UK)